Saturday, February 7, 2015

8 White Lies Programmers Keep On Telling Themselves

 All of us keep on lying to ourselves time and again in both personal and professional lives. Some professions require such lies much more than others. Long working hours and strict deadlines are nothing new to software developers and that's why they are bound to take shelter under these white lies. ITWorld reached out to several software developers via social media platforms and also analysed developers' comments on discussion forums. Then they compiled a list of white lies which programmers usually tell themselves. Here are eight out of them:

1. No commenting required for this code: 

Programmers find commenting on a code a dragging task and they keep on finding new excuses to avoid the same. They always try to find out some valid reasons to avoid the commenting task or postpone it for later. Often they think it's impossible that their code will need a commenting and sometimes they think that code documents itself, hence no extra explanation is needed.

2. Lies about time-factor: 

Programmers often suffer from over-confidence in this case. They also delude themselves by thinking that a particular task won't take long. Developers underestimate time for something which is still pending. Basically it happens with fixes to a complicated code, which at the end of the day looks like a bigger project than a new one. These lies usually generate from desperate wish to reach home early.

3. Self-dependence: 

With the growth of open source technologies, code, tools and applications are now available for free to developers. But still they prefer to determine their own role in a particular project. Software engineers, most confidently, should be confident about their own skillset. It leads to them thinking that each code is superior to another one.

4. Future plans: 

Programmers are usually confused about what to focus on the most – to do something fast or do it right, which means whether it's more important to fix a bug efficiently or to meet the deadline. Sometimes compromises are being made to coding to save time as programmers plan to solve the bugs and imperfect code in future and this later time actually never comes. That's why, sometimes they are aware that they are writing a dirty code, still they believe they will correct it by a simple rewrite, which is not simple enough. They also keep on ignoring some bugs to save time in the short run.

5. They believe a code change to be a small one: 

When a change is made to the code to resolve a bug or add some more functionality, the smallest tweak can also become a bigger task, much bigger than expected. That's why coders tend to fool themselves by thinking that every change is small and won't consume much time, though the real picture is not the same.

6. Ignoring a bug: 

Sometimes developers avoid to acknowledge that there is some flaw in their code and it has a bug. After writing code, developers test it and at that time they find it to be perfect. They start thinking that the fault is at the users' end as they might be misunderstanding something how the software is supposed to function.

7. Skipping tests confidently: 

To create a software, testing is must, which is not at all fun. Just like writing comments, programmers tend to find excuses for not performing tests as they believe everything is fine with their code. They believe tests are mere wastage of time.

8. Over-confidence about responsibilities: 

Due to over-confidence, programmers convince themselves that they are well-aware about their duties, which is actually not the case, at least always. From this conviction, programmers become careless about work which leads to further trouble.

Courtesy: IT World 

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