Saturday, February 7, 2015

How to Stop Annoying Facebook Game Requests From Friends Permanently

You probably have a handful of Facebook friends who play endless games of Mafia Wars or Farmville and consistently send you invitations to join them. Or, you may have a friend who works as an event promoter and sends you invites to events halfway across the country that clearly you won’t be attending.

Removing these invitation alerts from your account can be tedious and annoying, but there is an easy way to selectively block them.
1. Click the “Setting” button. (usually looks like a snowflakes or a gear on the top)
2. In the left side, look for “Blocking” button and click it.
3. It will then show you “Manage Blocking” page that has 5 sections listed below.
(Restricted List, Block users, Block apps invites, Block events invitations, Block apps)
(Focus only with “Block apps invites” and “Block apps”)
4. In the “Block apps invites” section, type the name of your friend who always send you games requests then hit enter and Facebook will prevent that person sending you games request.
(You’re still friends with that person as you only prevent him/her from sending you request)
5. In the “Block apps” section, type the name of the App you want to be blocked so no one could send you a game request for that particular game.

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