Monday, February 9, 2015

Top 10 AngularJS Tools For Developers

 Many web developers use AngularJS framework for creating dynamic views in web-application. The framework is quite user-friendly and lets you use HTML as template language. There are number of tools, frameworks and modules available for AngularJS to simplify your front-end development. Today we have listed top 10 AngularJS tools to ease your development task.

1. Karma

Karma is designed to bring productive testing environment for developers. You can execute your JavaScript code in multiple real browsers and test your code simultaneously using Karma. Karma is great testing tool too. You can test your code on real browser, phones, tablets. You can run PhantomJS instance and Karma will run all the tests from your IDE using WebStorm plugin on Chrome.

2. Djangular

This is reusable application that is better example of AngularJS integration. The app lets you create AngularJS content per app. You can easily create apps per site using Djangular. The tool is designed to create consistent strcture across all Django apps.

3. Jasmine

This is a Behavior Driven Development testing framework for JavaScript. The tool is designed for websites, Node.js projects and any other project that supports JavaScript. The tool does not rely on browser, DOM or any third party framework.

4. is widget based tool for AngularJS. This tool is not dependent on jQuery. accepts selectable text input and ngModel. If user enters sequence of characters with trigger action, this shows typeahead menu. is designed to offer @mentions and macros widget based on AngularJS.

5. Protractor

Protractor is end test framework for AngularJS applications. This tool runs tests against applications in real-browser. The app can automatically execute the next step in your test as the webpage finishes pending tasks. You can totally rely on this tool for your tests. 

6. Angular Kickstart

This tool accelerates the development of your AngularJS project. The tool combines AngularJS, GulpJS and Bower. You can reuse your code and its modular structure using Angular Kickstart.

7. AngularFire

This tool helps you in building back-end for your Angular application. Angular Fire offers flexible API, 3-way data binding and rapid development tools. The API offered by Angular Fire supports both implicit and explicit sync depending upon use-case.

8. Mocha.js

This feature-rich test framework is based on Node.js and browser. This tool runs asynchronous tests in serial way. You can obtain detailed report very easily. Developers can use Mocha.js to correct test cases while mapping uncaught exceptions.

9. Videogular

As the name suggests, Videogular is HTML5 video game player for AngularJS. This tool brings bindable properties and API for development. Videogular offers fullscreen and mobile support.

10. Angular Batarang

Angular Batarang is extended Chrome extension used for debugging Angular applications. This tool inspects your app, model and performance. You can even control inspection and customize whether to show the apps, bindings or scopes using Batarang. This is a great profiling tool for AngularJS.


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