Sunday, February 8, 2015

How To Use Google search-Guide For Search

1.Use the tabs

The first tip is to use the Google search tabs. On top of all searches are a series of tabs. Usually you will see Web, Images, News, and more. Using these tabs, can help define what type of search you do. If you need images, use the Image tab. If you are looking for a recent article, use the News tab. Is rudimentary and most people use tabs and. If not, then it is highly recommended to get associated with them. They can reduce search times dramatically if used correctly.

2.Use quotes

When searching for something specific, try using quotation marks to minimize the guesswork Google search. When you put the search parameters in quotation marks tells the search engine to look for the complete phrase. For example, searching for puppy dog sweaters, the search engine for content that contains those three words in any order. However, if you search for “puppy dog sweaters”, the phrase will look exactly as you typed it. This can help locate specific information that may be buried under other content if not resolved properly.

3.Find a page that links to another page

This Google search tip is a bit dark. Instead of searching for a specific page you are looking for a page that links to a specific page. Think of it this way. If you want to see who cited a New York Times article on your site, you must use this trick to find all the sites linking to it. The syntax is as follows.
“Come * now * Track”
Which will return all pages that link to the official page of the New York Times. The URL on the right side can be virtually anything. Note, however, that the more specific you are, the fewer results you will get. We do not know many people are likely to use this Google search trick, but could be very useful for some.

4.Search for multiple words at once

Google search is flexible. You know you can not find what you want to search for a word or phrase. Therefore, allows you to search multiple. By using this trick, you can search for a word or phrase with a second word or phrase. This can help narrow your search to help you find exactly what you’re looking for. This is the syntax.
“The best ways to prepare for a job interview” or “Preparing for a job interview”
By searching for that, you look both phrases. Remember the tips above quotes? It is being used here as well. In this case, we will look at these two exact phrases. It can be done through words too, like the example below.
chocolate or white chocolate
This will search for pages that have either chocolate or white chocolate!

5.Keep it simple

We are now entering the general advice. Google Search know how to find a lot of things. What this means is that you do not have to be too specific. If you need a pizza place nearby, use this to search.
Pizza nearby
Google search takes place and offer a variety of results about the pizza places that are near you.

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