Monday, February 2, 2015

Top 8 Devops Tools For Automated Infrastructure

Leading organisations as well as employers have started to realise the importance of DevOps now. In this age of DevOps environment, it is important that you use right set of tools for your organisation. To achieve faster application delivery, you need to use multiple tools for server provisioning, configuration management, automated builds, code deployment and monitoring.

There are many tools available for infrastructure automation. The right architecture and infrastructure defines the tool. Today we have listed eight great tools that can help you in carrying out work of configuration management, orchestration, continuous integration and monitoring.

1. Chef:

Chef is configuration management tool. It has cookbooks where you can code your web infrastructure in DSL (domain specific language). You can use Chef in configuration of virtual machines by following cookbooks. Chef agent runs on all configured severs.

2. Puppet:

This is similar tool to Chef. You can use Puppet to write configuration code using DSL and wrapped modules. Puppet focuses on system administrator while development. It doesn't follow the cookbook approach. Puppet agent communicates with puppet server to install compiled module.

3. Saltstack:

This is Python based configuration management tool. This tool supports remote exception of commands. Unlike Chef and Puppet, this tool can push the code for configuration to many nodes at the same time. This tool is quite fast as compared to Chef or Puppet.

4. Ansible:

Ansible is agent-less configuration management tool. Ansible can be used as orchestration tool. Configuration modules in Ansible are called as Playbooks, written in YAML format. This tool can be used for cloud provisioning as well. Writing code is relatively easy in Ansible.

5. Juju:

Juju is Python based orchestration tool. The tool has very user-friendly UI. You can use Juju for cloud applications. You can configure, scale and deploy applications using Juju. Juju is developed by Canonical.

6. Jenkins:

This is Java based continuous integration tool that can help you with faster delivery of applications. Jenkins can be easily used with version control systems like SVN and github. Jenkins takes care of building and testing of new ode whenever it is pushed to repository.

7. Vagrant:

Vagrant takes care of configuration of virtual machines for development environment. It can run on virtual box. You can use the simple configuration file called Vagrantfile to install on VM. Developers can share this Virtual Machine to use same development environment. The tool features several plugins for cloud provisioning. 

8. Docker:

Docker is process level virtualisation system, based on Linux container (LXC). This tool can create isolated virtual environments for container applications. Developers can ship these tools to new server without modifying the application. The tool is quite popular amongst Devops professionals. 

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