Tuesday, March 3, 2015

9 Mistakes To Avoid While Building First Mobile App

The world has moved from building simple apps for specific use-case. Many companies have moved from creating apps for small reasons, they have become more mature in creating new mobile applications. Individual mobile app developers have started coding more mature apps. Today we have listed nine common mistakes that you should avoid while building your first mobile application.
first app, mobile app, common mistakes, mobile app building, building first mobile app, application thinking, purpose of mobile app, OS specific mobile app, cross platform apps, Apps with API, MVP approach, analytic tools for mobile apps, smart users.

1. Application Thinking: 

Traditional thought process for application building doesn't work in today’s world. Applications are priced very high for their capabilities, some apps are valued for few specific tasks as well. Organisations are tempted to bring the do-it all standard of conventional applications to the do-a-few-things-really-well standard of an app. This doesn't really work. You must avoid this temptation.

2. Purposeful: 

You must list the desired features for your app and delete half of them. Every feature you introduce in backlog of your app comes out. Your application must offer simple yet purposeful mobile experience and eliminate the bloat of unnecessary features.

3. OS Specific Apps: 

The days are gone when it was perfectly fine to build apps that run on single set of devices for fixed screen size and OS. Even today companies make mistake of building their app for one operating system or platform and then expand once they have tested user base. This OS version specific approach doesn't work. Developers must build apps that work on all versions of particular OS.

4. Cross-Platform: 

Developers often fail to build apps for multiple platforms. But in today’s world, you cannot have good user acquisition if you fail to build apps that work on multi-OS and multi-Device. Developers must build cross-platform apps. And there are far too many development tools that let you build or port your existing application to another platform.

5. Apps Without API: 

Good mobile apps are data hungry. They transfer and communicate the data from enterprise system to SaaS repositories all the time. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) solve this pain very easily. Developers get simplified access to data and service while building apps with help of APIs. Good mobile APIs act as center of your innovation. For better viability of your app, you must consider developing API along with the app.

6. Agile Isn’t Fast: 

Agile method of development for an app project isn't fast way of execution. Building mobile apps require you to optimise your whole delivery process at stable velocity. Users often expect steady stream of feature updates. The only way to meet expectation is to come out with MVP (minimum viable product) as early as possible. You can improve your app base and start working on additional features along with growth.

7. MVP Approach: 

The typical approach of MVP is not easy, you need to employ analytics to find out user interaction on the app. The MVP approach requires discipline and willingness to listen. Developers still need to realize that MVP approach will take some discipline but it will be worth it.

8. Analytics: 

Implementing analytics with your first app is an important aspect. The mobile world today comes with wealth of information than you have ever imagined before. The mobile apps bring different variables like user location, device type, app version, operating system, device orientation etc number of factors to the table. It is tricky to capture all this data and make quick sense of it with next release. The best solution is to implement analytics with your first app and sort through the findings and improve each subsequent release continuously. Developers need to understand that you cannot manage what you cannot measure.

9. Smart Users: 

Users have more mature approach towards mobile apps today. They expect access to elegant and easy-to-use services in mobile app these days. When you start building your app, keep end user in mind and optimize the features. Developers need to create targeted, context-aware amazing mobile experience that people love. 

Courtesy:- EFYTIMES News Network

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