Sunday, March 8, 2015

7 Interesting Articles Every PHP Developers Should Read

  Are you working with PHP for your project? There is always a lot to learn about any programming language. Most of the times, some of these resources are exceptional to developers. There are some uncovered areas in PHP that you may not find in most tutorials or eBooks. Today we have listed some of the greatest articles and tutorials that will help you learn more about PHP as a language and also as a tool for building amazing apps.

1. Create Your Own PHP Framework:

PHP has become more viable and usable in last few years. This is a 12-part series of tutorials that work together with Symfony2 components to shed light on how to build your own PHP framework. These 12 tutorials have in-depth knowledge of PHP, you cannot simply learn the crucial parts very easily.

2. Seven Ways To Screw Up Bcrypt:

You will find lot of content about how to properly use bcrypt in PHP. This article gets straight to the point about errors and mistakes developers do when it comes to using Bcrypt in your PHP projects. This is lot different than all how to use bcrypt articles out there.

3. Preventing CSRF Attacks:

Development security is very essential part of PHP programming. You must know about security flaws and other popular use cases. CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) attacks are very common. This article sheds light on CSRF attacks and some tips to prevent them.

4. Use Env:

Use Env is a short script that helps you find the PHP folder/path on your server. The script comes very handy in case of bigger projects that spread amongst many servers. The article helps you learn how to work with Use Env.

5. Composer Primer:

Composer is special word in PHP. Composers have changed how things work in PHP. Composer Primer has changed the way of handling application dependencies. This tutorial helps you get high quality primer from one of the PHP development expert. 

6. Composer Versioning:

This tutorial helps you in developing skillset of composer user. This article gives insights on why using branch alias can help you code efficiently. The composer tutorial is nearly designed for beginners. This is a quick tutorial on how to become composer user.

7. Predicting Random Numbers in PHP

This is a nice security article for Zend developers. The article sheds light on how to work with mt_rand() function call in PHP. The article has lot of insightful information that is hard to find in any other tutorial or eBook. 

This article originally published by:-efytimes

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